Welcome back, small business-owning friends! Today, we are going to be diving into not just what makes a good small business website, but what key aspects make a small business website truly exceptional. I know, I know… You might be thinking, “Shawna, didn’t you already tell us about your tips for our websites a couple of weeks ago?”. And you would be correct, but this time we’re not just talking about customer annoyances. I’ve got some fool-proof tips to take your website to the next level. Whether you’re launching a new venture or revamping your existing site, understanding these seven essential factors will help you attract and retain customers while building trust and credibility.

1.     Define Your Target Audience

what makes a small business website good? audience written on whiteboard with arrows all around it

Building a successful website is like building a bridge between your business and your audience. The first pillar in that bridge is having a deep understanding of your target audience. In order to create a website that truly resonates with your visitors, you should start by answering some simple questions about those you aim to serve. Who are your ideal customers? What are their pain points? How can your business provide them with solutions? Once you can answer these questions, I have a little secret weapon that I like to use as a guide for what to put on a website, it’s called the PCT Formula.

PCT: Problem, Credibility, Transformation

Problem: Start by explicitly defining the problem or pain points of your ideal customers’ experience. Use language that resonates with them and demonstrates that you understand their challenges. When visitors see that you grasp their issues, they’re more likely to stay on your site.

Credibility: Why should your audience trust you to solve their problems? Highlight your credentials, experience, qualifications, and any industry recognition or awards. Share testimonials or case studies showcasing successful solutions you’ve provided to past customers.

Transformation: What can your customers expect to achieve or experience after using your products or services? Paint a vivid picture of the positive transformation they’ll undergo. Will they save time, money, or effort? Will they enjoy better health, happiness, or success? This transformation is the “promise land” that your offerings represent.

Now, here’s the strategic part – place this information “above the fold” on your website. I don’t even care if I just aged myself because this is prime digital real estate where you can easily grab your visitors’ attention and entice them to explore further.

2.     Embrace Simplicity

Simplicity is not just a preference, it’s a golden rule. Think of your website as a welcoming, well-organized store. You wouldn’t want your store cluttered with so many items that customers can’t find what they’re looking for, right? The same principle applies to your online presence.

What makes a good small business website - white balloon

So, how do you make your website a haven of simplicity? Choose a clean, uncluttered layout that guides visitors seamlessly through your content. When choosing this layout, make sure that there is ample white space. White space is like breathing room for your website and it allows different elements to stand out. Is navigating your website a breeze? A stranger finding their way around your website should be as simple as finding your favorite neighborhood café. Use a clear menu structure, categories, and labels that make sense. If you really want a gold star, try adding a search bar. Lastly, make sure your calls-to-action (CTA) are clear. If your visitors don’t know where they should go next, they will find a different site.

3.     Make Contact Information Easily Accessible

It’s 2023 and accessibility isn’t a trending buzzword, it’s something that your audience expects. If your contact information is readily available on your website, your customers can effortlessly engage with you and your business. Make sure that your contact information is displayed on every page – you never know what might trigger some questions! It would also be wise to offer multiple contact options such as email, phone, or even text. If you want to take it a small, yet effective, step further… make your contact information clickable. This level of accessibility fosters trust and encourages visitors to take that crucial leap from curious observer to active customer.

4.     Use Authentic Photos and Videos

Trust is a currency that fuels connections and conversions. Just as you’d trust a recommendation from a friend about a store or service, online visitors seek reassurance that your business is genuine, reliable, and worth their time and money. This is where the power of humanizing your website comes into play.

An easy way to build trust is to utilize photos and videos of your team, processes behind the scenes, a message from the owner, or even content from your own customers. Add an “Our Team” page to your website where your visitors can connect faces and names to your brand. You could even include little bios with each team member because someone visiting your website is bound to find something in common! Another great way to build trust with your audience is to add customer testimonial videos. If you can show visitors that there are real people out there who have benefited from your products or services, they will be much more likely to pull the trigger.

5.     Highlight Social Proof

Great small business websites - gold trophy

Don’t be afraid to show off all of your achievements! You have worked hard to earn those partnerships, glowing reviews, blog shoutouts, and more – use them to your advantage. Displaying social proof is a great way to bolster trust. Add logos from brands you’ve worked with to your website and think of them as badges of honor that you proudly adorn your virtual storefront. If your business has a solid rating from organizations like the Better Business Bureau (BBB), FLAUNT IT. Positive reviews from satisfied customers provide social proof of your product or service’s quality. Encourage customers to leave reviews and then pick a few to highlight on the homepage of your site. When visitors see evidence of your reliability and reputation on your website, it instills confidence and reassures them that they’re making a wise choice by engaging with your business.

6.     Create Clear Product or Service Categories

small business websites -  colored pencils organized in a gradient

Remember in my second tip when I mentioned adding clear categories and labels? Let’s dive a little deeper. Have you ever been to a bookshop where everything, and I mean everything, is categorized only by the author’s name? Find one and let me know how overwhelmed it makes you feel. If you don’t have a specific book in mind, it would take some serious commitment to browsing just to leave with one book you’re interested in reading. Let’s not let that be your website. Organize your products or services into distinct categories or “buckets” to help simplify the buying process and help visitors find what they’re looking for. Your menu bar should mirror these categories, ensuring easy navigation and an intuitive customer journey.

7.     Crafting an Engaging “About Us” Page

Did you know that the “About Us” page is the most searched page after the homepage? I’ve mentioned the trust crisis happening in our world and I’ll continue to shed light on it. People don’t trust businesses like they used to. They have a deeper need to know who is behind a brand and what their true mission is. Just as I mentioned in tip number four, your “About Us” page is your opportunity to humanize your brand. Showcase your team in their natural settings, sharing their interests and personalities. Blend professional bios with personal anecdotes and fun facts to create a connection with your audience. Remember, trust is built on authenticity.

Incorporating these seven tips into your small business website can make a world of difference. Your website is more than just a digital storefront; it’s your gateway to connecting with a global audience. Remember, the goal is to create a user-friendly, trustworthy, and engaging online presence that resonates with your target audience. Want to read about the things that annoy your customers about your website? Read this next!

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