Happy Spooky Season! If you haven’t caught on by now, one of my favorite topics to share is content marketing. Today, I’ll be answering the question, “How can content marketing help a business?” I’m going to share five awesome reasons why content marketing is invaluable to your business and how you can leverage it to reach a broader audience. Before we get into it, I’ve got a fun fact for you. Did you know that only 3% of prospects are ready to buy at any given time? That is mind-blowing because most businesses spend the lion’s share of their budgets marketing to just those 3%. This means that businesses are forgetting about that other 97%! We need to change that so you’re reaching 100% of them and making sure your pipeline is always full of customers. Now, let’s get into it!

How can content marketing help a business - tap to pay

1.     Rethinking Your Marketing Approach

Traditionally, businesses have centered their marketing strategies around the immediate needs of that 3% who are ready to buy. They’ve operated with a laser focus on those individuals who are on the verge of making a purchase. In many ways, this approach made sense in an era where the sales cycle was often shorter. This was also a time when businesses could rely on conventional advertising to reach their target audience.

However, it’s 2023, almost 2024, and it’s time to get with the program. We live in an extremely fast-paced world with ever-evolving consumer behaviors and a constant influx of information. This means that the traditional way of advertising is no longer effective. With the Internet and social media, customers are flooded with options, pushing them to do research and make informed decisions. To stay relevant and competitive, you must recognize that the buyer’s journey is no longer a straight path from awareness to purchase. They are now adventuring down winding roads with many stops and detours. Consumers may interact with your brand on social media, read your blog, and sign up for newsletters before they are ready to make a purchase.

Grow a business with content marketing - two jack-o-lanterns

Since it’s spooky season, here’s a scary wake-up call: some potential customers may not be ready to buy for an extended period – months, or even years. The challenge and opportunity lie in nurturing these leads effectively. You need to transition from the mindset of immediate conversation to one of long-term relationship building. This will help capture their attention and loyalty, positioning your brand as a trusted resource.

This is where content marketing enters the picture. To capture their attention effectively, tailor your messages to cater to prospects at various stages of their journey. This means creating content that not only addresses their immediate needs but also provides value to those ready to purchase. It’s about establishing your brand as a source of information, guidance, and expertise. By offering consistent and valuable content at every stage, you build a strong connection with your audience.

2.     Cost-Effective Marketing

how can content marketing help a business - different currencies in cash

Content marketing is remarkably cost-effective when compared to traditional advertising, which often targets the same 3%. It’s also extremely versatile. You can edit your content to fit various platforms, from your website and social media to email campaigns and blog posts. This adaptability ensures that you can reach your audience where they are, without spending loads of money on ad placements.

Traditional advertising often leans on persuasive messaging and slick visuals – yuck. The affordability of content marketing and social media buys you time to build real credibility and rapport with your audience. This trust-building process is integral to the success of your marketing efforts, especially in the long term. Speaking of long-term, content marketing also has significant long-term advantages. Unlike a traditional advertising campaign, which has a finite lifespan, your content remains accessible and relevant for an extended period of time.

3.     Standing Out in a Crowded Marketplace

Now, getting a leg up on your competitors does not mean pushing out as much content as humanly possible. Instead, take the time and be intentional with what you are publishing. It’s a little ironic with the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) because AI makes it easier to push out mountains of content. Don’t fall for it. Quantity may have been the goal in the past, but consumers aren’t falling for it anymore. Take the time to research, create, and curate content that genuinely adds value and addresses your audience’s pain points. This will not only capture attention but also maintain it, establishing you as a trusted source of information.

Aside from quality content, how else can you stand out? Diversify your content. Video, pictures, podcasts, etc. – utilizing a mix of mediums can help you reach a broader audience. Different people prefer different ways of consuming content. Some are visual learners, while others prefer reading or listening. By providing content in various formats, you ensure that you cater to the diverse preferences of your audience.

While we’re on the subject of diversifying, let’s also talk about diversifying platforms. Your audience is scattered across social media, search engines, email, and more. By having a presence on different platforms, you increase your chances of reaching potential customers where they are. Also, each platform has its unique culture and crowd, allowing you to alter your content to fit the preferences and behaviors of specific platforms.

Why you should use content marketing - iphone with social media apps

Lastly, we have consistency. Regularly publishing valuable content and maintaining an active presence online keeps your audience engaged and attuned to your brand. Consistency helps you build recognition and reliability. When your followers know they can count on you for valuable insights and engaging content, they’re more likely to stay connected and trust your brand.

4.     Build Trust

Trust is the foundation that helps build lasting and meaningful relationships, and I don’t just mean in your personal relationships. This applies to your business as well. Content marketing allows you to focus on authentic storytelling, which is an opportunity to connect with prospects on their buying journey. While your competitors might be consumed with highlighting the features and benefits of their products or services, you’ll be taking a different path. With storytelling, you can share narratives that resonate with your audience on a personal level.

One powerful way to build trust is by introducing your followers to the people behind your brand. Share stories about your team members, their passions, expertise, and what motivates them. By humanizing your business and showing the personalities of the army behind your brand, you create a sense of transparency. It becomes easier for people to trust a company when they feel connected to the humans who drive its success.

Another easy strategy for building trust is to tell the stories of your customers’ successes. Showcase real-life examples of individuals or businesses that have benefited from your products or services. This is tangible evidence of the value you offer and demonstrates how your solutions have positively impacted others. People tend to trust others who have a history of delivering on promises.

5.     Becoming Memorable

Being memorable goes hand-in-hand with building trust and standing out. It’s creating an impression that lingers in the minds of your audience. This helps so when the time comes for them to make a purchase, your brand is the first one they think of. Memorability isn’t built in a single interaction; it’s through meaningful touchpoints throughout the buyer’s journey. Content marketing enables you to be present at every step, from awareness and consideration to the final decision.

Remember when I said that consistency helps build recognition and reliability? Consistency is the backbone of becoming memorable. When your prospects regularly encounter your brand, it reinforces your presence in their minds. Consistency implies that your brand is active, engaged, and dedicated to providing value. By providing consistent, informative, and engaging content, you create that lasting impression. Content marketing helps make sure that you stay on your audience’s radar, long before they are ready to buy.

Did you get all of that?

In the post-pandemic era, standing out, building trust, and being memorable are the keys to success. Solely targeting that precious 3% of ready-to-buy customers is not the winning strategy. It’s time to embrace content marketing as your game-changer to help you build trust, stand out, and be memorable.

If you want to read more about building trust in marketing, read this next!

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