My Blogs

How to Get Started with Content Marketing

How to Get Started with Content Marketing

Welcome back! Today, we're diving into the exciting world of content marketing and uncovering the steps to help you get started. I'll guide you through the process, making content creation accessible and strategic. By the end of this blog post, you'll have the...

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Why Do You Need a Brand Story?

Why Do You Need a Brand Story?

Greetings, fellow brand enthusiasts! Today, we delve into the captivating realm of brand storytelling and uncover the top four reasons that answer the question: why do you need a brand story (or rather, multiple brand stories - more on that later).  In the battle...

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What is a Brand Story Mosaic©?

What is a Brand Story Mosaic©?

(and why does my business need one?) In the past, the biggest brands in the world have spent billions and decades of research on how to develop the perfect brand story. The hope was that it developed customer loyalty by consistently reminding them of the brand's...

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Why is Storytelling Important in Marketing?

Why is Storytelling Important in Marketing?

TLDR: Because Nobody Likes a Desperate Sales Pitch on Repeat. Picture this: a desperate marketer chasing you down the street, waving a flashy sign and screaming, "BUY OUR PRODUCT! WE'RE THE BEST!" Can’t you just picture the crowds scattering as if Godzilla were...

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How do you Build a Brand Story that Stands Out Today?

How do you Build a Brand Story that Stands Out Today?

In the ever-evolving world of branding, where attention spans last about as long as a sneeze in a hurricane, it's essential to build a brand story that not only stands out, but leaves a lasting impression. Today, we embark on a journey to uncover the secrets behind...

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17 Story Ideas to Create a Rock-Solid Brand

17 Story Ideas to Create a Rock-Solid Brand

Whether it’s your personal brand or your company’s brand story, stories are the key. As a former corporate buyer, I’ve spent the latter part of my career sharing the secrets of how companies can break through the noise to reach their desired customers more easily....

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10 Ways to Repurpose One  Marketing Video

10 Ways to Repurpose One Marketing Video

Save Time by Creating an Easy Process Like This. Have extra time these days? I didn't think so. That's why it's important to be strategic with every marketing piece you generate. Here are some ideas, so you can squeeze as much value out of your time as possible with...

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eMail Marketing Strategy: 3 Reasons to Change Yours NOW

eMail Marketing Strategy: 3 Reasons to Change Yours NOW

Sorry folks, but it's time to change your email marketing strategy (again). Many marketers and small business owners have been so focused on building their email marketing lists for the past several years, that they haven’t looked forward to see what’s barreling...

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Artificial Intelligence and Marketing

Artificial Intelligence and Marketing

Beware…the Robots are Coming! Ladies and Gentlemen, Artificial Intelligence and marketing have been on my mind, and for good reason...The robots have officially arrived and they're making their way into our careers. And it looks like they're starting with the...

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